[Quadruple negative SARS-CoV-2-PCR: still COVID-19 pneumonia!]

Medical history and clinical findings: A 78-year-old man fell ill with weakness, coughing and fever 19 days after a cruise in early April 2020 and was admitted 4 days later with increasing shortness of breath.

Examination and diagnosis: On admission, the patient had subfebrile temperatures, exercise dyspnea, and right-basal rales. CRP was moderately elevated and oxygen saturation was slightly reduced. Thoracic CT showed bilateral ground-glass infiltrates. Immediately after the cruise a nasopharyngeal swab was negative for SARS-CoV-2.

Therapy and course: Due to the fact that the patient’s asymptomatic wife had been tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 immediately after returning from the cruise, we suspected COVID-19 disease and admitted the patient to our isolation ward. Two nasopharyngeal swabs and bronchial lavage yielded negative results for SARS-CoV-2. Finally, suspected COVID-19 diagnosis was verified serologically.

Conclusion: In case of a high degree of clinical suspicion in combination with typical findings of thoracic imaging, the suspected diagnosis COVID-19 disease should be maintained even in case of multiple negative SARS-CoV-2-PCR. Seroconversion occurs a few days to 2 weeks after the onset of symptoms and can be used to confirm the diagnosis.

Anamnese und klinischer befund: Ein 78-jähriger Mann erkrankte Anfang April 2020 19 Tage nach einer Kreuzfahrt mit Schwäche, Husten und Fieber und wurde 4 Tage später mit zunehmender Luftnot vorstellig.

Untersuchung und diagnose: Bei Aufnahme bestanden subfebrile Temperaturen, Belastungsdyspnoe und rechtsbasale Rasselgeräusche. Das CRP war mäßig erhöht und die Sauerstoffsättigung gering reduziert. Im Thorax-CT fanden sich bilaterale Milchglasinfiltrate. Unmittelbar nach der Kreuzfahrt war ein nasopharyngealer Abstrich auf SARS-CoV-2 negativ.

Therapie und verlauf: In Kenntnis der Tatsache, dass die symptomfreie Ehefrau des Patienten unmittelbar nach Rückkehr von der Kreuzfahrt positiv auf SARS-CoV-2 getestet worden war, gingen wir von einer COVID-19-Erkrankung aus und hospitalisierten den Patienten. Zwei nasopharyngeale Abstriche und die Bronchiallavage ergaben negative Befunde für SARS-CoV-2, die Diagnose COVID-19 wurde letztlich serologisch verifiziert.

Folgerung: Bei hochgradigem klinisch-anamnestischem Verdacht in Verbindung mit typischen Befunden der Thorax-Bildgebung sollte die Verdachtsdiagnose COVID-19 auch im Falle mehrfach negativer SARS-CoV-2-PCR aufrechterhalten bleiben. Die Serokonversion tritt einige Tage bis 2 Wochen nach Symptombeginn auf und kann im Verlauf zur endgültigen Diagnosesicherung genutzt werden.

PCR Ladder

77305 10 mcg
EUR 15.91
Description: Part E

PCR Ladder

77305-1 50 mcg
EUR 50.55
Description: Part E

PCR Enhancer

20870 4 x0.1 ml
EUR 6.84
Description: Part E

PCR Enhancer

20870-1 4 x1 ml
EUR 23.95
Description: Part E

PCR SuperMix

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 1 ml
  • 5 ml

PCR Enhancer

P021-01 500 ul

PCR Enhancer

P021-01-500ul 500 μl
EUR 9.27

PCR Enhancer

P021-02-5500ul 5 × 500 μl
EUR 41.42

PCR Stimulant

abx098001-100l 100 µl
EUR 225

PCR Stimulant

abx098001-1ml 1 ml Ask for price

PCR Stimulant

abx098001-200l 200 µl Ask for price

PCR Stimulant

abx098001-200ul 200 ul
EUR 210

High Fidelity (HiFi) PCR SuperMix (-dye) (DNA, PCR)

abx098007-100l 100 µl
EUR 262.5

High Fidelity (HiFi) PCR SuperMix (-dye) (DNA, PCR)

abx098007-200l 200 µl
EUR 475

High Fidelity (HiFi) PCR SuperMix (-dye) (DNA, PCR)

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 1 ml
  • 5 ml

Hi-PCR® Pork SYBr PCR Kit

MBPCR098-10R 1 unit
EUR 46.44
Description: Hi-PCR® Pork SYBr PCR Kit

Hi-PCR® Pork SYBr PCR Kit

MBPCR098-50R 1 unit
EUR 172.71
Description: Hi-PCR® Pork SYBr PCR Kit

Hi-PCR® Cow Probe PCR Kit

MBPCR139-10R 1 unit
EUR 313.06
Description: Hi-PCR® Cow Probe PCR Kit

Hi-PCR® Cow Probe PCR Kit

MBPCR139-50R 1 unit
EUR 1295.96
Description: Hi-PCR® Cow Probe PCR Kit

Hi-PCR® Pox Probe PCR Kit

MBPCR163-10R 1 unit
EUR 100.46
Description: Hi-PCR® Pox Probe PCR Kit

Hi-PCR® Pox Probe PCR Kit

MBPCR163-50R 1 unit
EUR 458.17
Description: Hi-PCR® Pox Probe PCR Kit

Hi-PCR® Dog Probe PCR Kit

MBPCR248-10R 1 unit
EUR 96.52
Description: Hi-PCR® Dog Probe PCR Kit

Hi-PCR® Dog Probe PCR Kit

MBPCR248-50R 1 unit
EUR 436.05
Description: Hi-PCR® Dog Probe PCR Kit

Hi-PCR® Cat Probe PCR Kit

MBPCR249-10R 1 unit
EUR 96.52
Description: Hi-PCR® Cat Probe PCR Kit

Hi-PCR® Cat Probe PCR Kit

MBPCR249-50R 1 unit
EUR 436.05
Description: Hi-PCR® Cat Probe PCR Kit

Hi-PCR® Pork Probe PCR Kit

MBPCR136-10R 1 unit
EUR 103.02
Description: Hi-PCR® Pork Probe PCR Kit

Hi-PCR® Pork Probe PCR Kit

MBPCR136-50R 1 unit
EUR 456.38
Description: Hi-PCR® Pork Probe PCR Kit

Hi-PCR® Goat Probe PCR Kit

MBPCR146-10R 1 unit
EUR 96.52
Description: Hi-PCR® Goat Probe PCR Kit

Hi-PCR® Goat Probe PCR Kit

MBPCR146-50R 1 unit
EUR 436.05
Description: Hi-PCR® Goat Probe PCR Kit

Hi-PCR® Plant SYBr PCR Kit

MBPCR189-10R 1 unit
EUR 92.93
Description: Hi-PCR® Plant SYBr PCR Kit

Hi-PCR® Plant SYBr PCR Kit

MBPCR189-50R 1 unit
EUR 345.37
Description: Hi-PCR® Plant SYBr PCR Kit

Hi-PCR® A1A2 Probe PCR Kit

MBPCR199-10R 1 unit
EUR 115.82
Description: Hi-PCR® A1A2 Probe PCR Kit

Hi-PCR® A1A2 Probe PCR Kit

MBPCR199-50R 1 unit
EUR 505.92
Description: Hi-PCR® A1A2 Probe PCR Kit

Hi-PCR® Donkey Probe PCR Kit

MBPCR247-10R 1 unit
EUR 96.52
Description: Hi-PCR® Donkey Probe PCR Kit

Hi-PCR® Donkey Probe PCR Kit

MBPCR247-50R 1 unit
EUR 436.05
Description: Hi-PCR® Donkey Probe PCR Kit

Adhesive PCR Plate Clear Films for PCR Applications

GP502 100 sheets
EUR 306

Hi-PCR® Malaria Probe PCR Kit

MBPCR111-10R 1 unit
EUR 103.02
Description: Hi-PCR® Malaria Probe PCR Kit

Hi-PCR® Malaria Probe PCR Kit

MBPCR111-50R 1 unit
EUR 456.38
Description: Hi-PCR® Malaria Probe PCR Kit

Hi-PCR® Brucella SYBr PCR Kit

MBPCR121-10R 1 unit
EUR 46.44
Description: Hi-PCR® Brucella SYBr PCR Kit

Hi-PCR® Brucella SYBr PCR Kit

MBPCR121-50R 1 unit
EUR 172.71
Description: Hi-PCR® Brucella SYBr PCR Kit

Hi-PCR® Capripox SYBr PCR Kit

MBPCR127-10R 1 unit
EUR 46.44
Description: Hi-PCR® Capripox SYBr PCR Kit

Hi-PCR® Capripox SYBr PCR Kit

MBPCR127-50R 1 unit
EUR 172.71
Description: Hi-PCR® Capripox SYBr PCR Kit

Hi-PCR® Buffalo Probe PCR Kit

MBPCR138-10R 1 unit
EUR 313.06
Description: Hi-PCR® Buffalo Probe PCR Kit

Hi-PCR® Buffalo Probe PCR Kit

MBPCR138-50R 1 unit
EUR 1295.96
Description: Hi-PCR® Buffalo Probe PCR Kit

Hi-PCR® Theileria SYBr PCR Kit

MBPCR123-10R 1 unit
EUR 46.44
Description: Hi-PCR® Theileria SYBr PCR Kit

Hi-PCR® Theileria SYBr PCR Kit

MBPCR123-50R 1 unit
EUR 172.71
Description: Hi-PCR® Theileria SYBr PCR Kit

Hi-PCR® Brucella Probe PCR Kit

MBPCR162-10R 1 unit
EUR 100.46
Description: Hi-PCR® Brucella Probe PCR Kit

Hi-PCR® Brucella Probe PCR Kit

MBPCR162-50R 1 unit
EUR 458.17
Description: Hi-PCR® Brucella Probe PCR Kit

Hi-PCR® Rotavirus Probe PCR Kit

MBPCR151-10R 1 unit
EUR 124.4
Description: Hi-PCR® Rotavirus Probe PCR Kit

Hi-PCR® Rotavirus Probe PCR Kit

MBPCR151-50R 1 unit
EUR 567.35
Description: Hi-PCR® Rotavirus Probe PCR Kit

Hi-PCR® Theileria Probe PCR Kit

MBPCR165-10R 1 unit
EUR 100.46
Description: Hi-PCR® Theileria Probe PCR Kit

Hi-PCR® Theileria Probe PCR Kit

MBPCR165-50R 1 unit
EUR 458.17
Description: Hi-PCR® Theileria Probe PCR Kit

Hi-PCR® Mycoplasma SYBr PCR Kit

MBPCR015-10R 1 unit
EUR 46.44
Description: Hi-PCR® Mycoplasma SYBr PCR Kit

Hi-PCR® Mycoplasma SYBr PCR Kit

MBPCR015-50R 1 unit
EUR 172.71
Description: Hi-PCR® Mycoplasma SYBr PCR Kit

Hi-PCR® Salmonella SYBr PCR Kit

MBPCR024-10R 1 unit
EUR 46.44
Description: Hi-PCR® Salmonella SYBr PCR Kit

Hi-PCR® Salmonella SYBr PCR Kit

MBPCR024-50R 1 unit
EUR 172.71
Description: Hi-PCR® Salmonella SYBr PCR Kit

Hi-PCR® Chikungunya SYBr PCR Kit

MBPCR083-10R 1 unit
EUR 48.94
Description: Hi-PCR® Chikungunya SYBr PCR Kit

Hi-PCR® Chikungunya SYBr PCR Kit

MBPCR083-50R 1 unit
EUR 208.63
Description: Hi-PCR® Chikungunya SYBr PCR Kit

Hi-PCR® Salmonella Probe PCR Kit

MBPCR099-10R 1 unit
EUR 96.52
Description: Hi-PCR® Salmonella Probe PCR Kit

Hi-PCR® Salmonella Probe PCR Kit

MBPCR099-50R 1 unit
EUR 436.05
Description: Hi-PCR® Salmonella Probe PCR Kit

Hi-PCR® Leptospira Probe PCR Kit

MBPCR104-10R 1 unit
EUR 100.46
Description: Hi-PCR® Leptospira Probe PCR Kit

Hi-PCR® Leptospira Probe PCR Kit

MBPCR104-50R 1 unit
EUR 458.17
Description: Hi-PCR® Leptospira Probe PCR Kit

Hi-PCR® Astrovirus Probe PCR Kit

MBPCR206-10R 1 unit
EUR 103.02
Description: Hi-PCR® Astrovirus Probe PCR Kit

Hi-PCR® Astrovirus Probe PCR Kit

MBPCR206-50R 1 unit
EUR 456.38
Description: Hi-PCR® Astrovirus Probe PCR Kit

Hi-PCR® Enterovirus Probe PCR Kit

MBPCR201-10R 1 unit
EUR 124.4
Description: Hi-PCR® Enterovirus Probe PCR Kit

Hi-PCR® Enterovirus Probe PCR Kit

MBPCR201-50R 1 unit
EUR 567.35
Description: Hi-PCR® Enterovirus Probe PCR Kit

Eppendorf Mixmate PCR Tube Holder PCR For Tubes Strips Or 96 Well PCR Plates - EACH

E5353040113 EACH
EUR 128.25

Hi-PCR® Listeria monocytogenes SYBr PCR

MBPCR025-10R 1 unit
EUR 46.44
Description: Hi-PCR® Listeria monocytogenes SYBr PCR

Hi-PCR® Listeria monocytogenes SYBr PCR

MBPCR025-50R 1 unit
EUR 172.71
Description: Hi-PCR® Listeria monocytogenes SYBr PCR

Hi-PCR® Legionella pneumophila SYBr PCR

MBPCR028-10R 1 unit
EUR 46.44
Description: Hi-PCR® Legionella pneumophila SYBr PCR

Hi-PCR® Legionella pneumophila SYBr PCR

MBPCR028-50R 1 unit
EUR 172.71
Description: Hi-PCR® Legionella pneumophila SYBr PCR

Hi-PCR® Pseudomonas aeruginosa SYBr PCR

MBPCR058-10R 1 unit
EUR 46.44
Description: Hi-PCR® Pseudomonas aeruginosa SYBr PCR

Hi-PCR® Pseudomonas aeruginosa SYBr PCR

MBPCR058-50R 1 unit
EUR 172.71
Description: Hi-PCR® Pseudomonas aeruginosa SYBr PCR

Hi-PCR® Acinetobacter baumanni SYBr PCR

MBPCR065-10R 1 unit
EUR 46.44
Description: Hi-PCR® Acinetobacter baumanni SYBr PCR

Hi-PCR® Acinetobacter baumanni SYBr PCR

MBPCR065-50R 1 unit
EUR 172.71
Description: Hi-PCR® Acinetobacter baumanni SYBr PCR

Leaf PCR Kit

11140007-1 1 Kit
EUR 155.94

PCR Tubes (50)

PCR-50 50
EUR 19


MBPCR087-10R 1 unit
EUR 92.93
Description: Hi-PCR® 16S rRNA SYBr PCR Kit


MBPCR087-50R 1 unit
EUR 345.37
Description: Hi-PCR® 16S rRNA SYBr PCR Kit


MBPCR088-10R 1 unit
EUR 92.93
Description: Hi-PCR® 18S rRNA SYBr PCR Kit


MBPCR088-50R 1 unit
EUR 345.37
Description: Hi-PCR® 18S rRNA SYBr PCR Kit

Blood PCR Kit

abx098013-100l 100 µl
EUR 337.5

Blood PCR Kit

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 100 rxns × 20 ul Systems
  • 500 rxns × 20 ul Systems

Blood PCR Kit

abx098013-1ml 1 ml Ask for price

Blood PCR Kit

abx098013-200l 200 µl
EUR 762.5

PCR Super Mix

abx299726-100g 100 µg Ask for price

PCR Super Mix

abx299726-20g 20 µg
EUR 362.5

PCR Super Mix

abx299726-50g 50 µg Ask for price

Probe PCR Mix

abx461071-1096tests 10 × 96 tests Ask for price

Probe PCR Mix

abx461071-596tests 5 × 96 tests Ask for price

Moving from qPCR to Chip Digital PCR Assays for Tracking of some Fusarium Species Causing Fusarium Head Blight in Cereals

Fusarium Head Blight (FHB) is one of the major diseases affecting small-grain cereals, worldwide spread and responsible for severe yield and quality losses annually. Diagnostic tools, able to track Fusarium species even in the early stages of infection, can contribute to mycotoxins’ risk control. Among DNA-based technologies for Fusarium detection, qPCR (single and multiplex assays) is currently the most applied method. However, pathogen diagnostics is now enforced by digital PCR (dPCR), a breakthrough technology that provides ultrasensitive and absolute nucleic acid quantification. In our work, a panel of chip digital PCR assays was developed to quantify Fusarium graminearumF.culmorumF. sporotrichioidesF. poae and F. avenaceum.

The primers/probes combinations were evaluated on pure fungal samples with cdPCR technique, in comparison with the qPCR approach. Moreover, the cdPCR assays were applied to quantify Fusarium in durum wheat and oat samples, naturally contaminated or spiked with fungal DNA. For a better evaluation of infection level in plants, duplex assays were developed, able to co-amplify both plant and fungal DNA. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study directed to the application of digital PCR to Fusarium diagnosis in plants.

Diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 by RT-PCR Using Different Sample Sources: Review of the Literature

Objective: The most widely used diagnostic technique for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection is real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). It can be done on different samples: nasopharyngeal swabs (NPS) or oropharyngeal swabs (OPS), and self-collected saliva. However, negative findings do not rule out infection.

Methods: A review was conceived to discuss advantages and limitations of the available diagnostic modalities for nonserologic diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 based on RT-PCR; the article also proposes some practical suggestions to improve diagnostic reliability.

Results: A total of 16 papers (corresponding to 452 patients) of the 56 initially identified were included. Most of the papers describe findings from different samples obtained in limited case series; comparative studies are missing.

Conclusions: Diagnostic accuracy of NPS and OPS is suboptimal and the risk of contaminated aerosol dispersal is not negligible. The SARS-CoV-2 RNA can be found in self-collected saliva specimens of many infected patients within 7 to 10 days after symptom onset. There is an urgent need for comparative trials to define the diagnostic modality of choice. Adequate education and training of health care personnel is mandatory.

GPCR TGR5 Antibody

DF14067-200ul 200ul
EUR 210
Description: IHC,IF/ICC,ELISA(peptide)

GPCR / LGR6 Antibody

E40M1376 50ul
EUR 395
Description: Available in various conjugation types.

GPCR GPR7 Antibody

MBS541754-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 445

GPCR GPR7 Antibody

MBS541754-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 1855

GPCR GPR8 Antibody

MBS541763-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 445

GPCR GPR8 Antibody

MBS541763-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 1855

GPCR TGR5 Antibody

MBS9631739-1mg 1mg
EUR 375

GPCR TGR5 Antibody

MBS9631739-5x1mg 5x1mg
EUR 1545

GPCR TGR5 Antibody

MBS9629356-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 260

GPCR TGR5 Antibody

MBS9629356-02mL 0.2mL
EUR 305

GPCR TGR5 Antibody

MBS9629356-5x02mL 5x0.2mL
EUR 1220

GPCR RDC1 Antibody

MBS9435822-005mL 0.05mL
EUR 325

GPCR RDC1 Antibody

MBS9435822-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 435

GPCR RDC1 Antibody

MBS9435822-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 1810

GPCR GPR86 Antibody

48382 100ul
EUR 429

GPCR GPR86 Antibody

48382-100ul 100ul
EUR 399.6

GPCR GPR86 Antibody

48382-50ul 50ul
EUR 286.8

GPCR GPR65 Antibody

DF13937 100ul
EUR 420

GPCR GPR65 Antibody

DF13937-100ul 100ul
EUR 168
Description: ELISA(peptide)

GPCR GPR65 Antibody

DF13937-200ul 200ul
EUR 210
Description: ELISA(peptide)

GPCR GPR87 Antibody

MBS540482-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 445

GPCR GPR87 Antibody

MBS540482-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 1855

GPCR GPR75 Antibody

MBS540637-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 445

GPCR GPR75 Antibody

MBS540637-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 1855

GPCR GPR75 Antibody

MBS540833-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 445

GPCR GPR75 Antibody

MBS540833-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 1855

GPCR GPR75 Antibody

MBS540871-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 445

GPCR GPR75 Antibody

MBS540871-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 1855

GPCR GPR15 Antibody

MBS540912-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 445

GPCR GPR15 Antibody

MBS540912-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 1855

GPCR GPR43 Antibody

MBS541594-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 445

GPCR GPR43 Antibody

MBS541594-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 1855

GPCR GPR43 Antibody

MBS541595-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 445

GPCR GPR43 Antibody

MBS541595-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 1855

GPCR GPR65 Antibody

MBS9631609-1mg 1mg
EUR 375

GPCR GPR65 Antibody

MBS9631609-5x1mg 5x1mg
EUR 1545

GPCR GPR65 Antibody

MBS9629226-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 260

GPCR GPR65 Antibody

MBS9629226-02mL 0.2mL
EUR 305

GPCR GPR65 Antibody

MBS9629226-5x02mL 5x0.2mL
EUR 1220

GPCR GPR86 Antibody

MBS9435236-005mL 0.05mL
EUR 325

GPCR GPR86 Antibody

MBS9435236-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 445

GPCR GPR86 Antibody

MBS9435236-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 1860

GPCR GPR120 Antibody

MBS541603-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 445

GPCR GPR120 Antibody

MBS541603-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 1855

GPCR GPR120 Antibody

MBS541604-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 445

GPCR GPR120 Antibody

MBS541604-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 1855

GPCR LS19072 Antibody

GWB-800006 0.025 mg Ask for price

Anti-GPR151/Gpcr 2037 Antibody

A30814 100ul
EUR 335
Description: Boster Bio Anti-GPR151/Gpcr 2037 Antibody (Catalog# A30814). Tested in WB, IF, ICC, ELISA applications. This antibody reacts with Human, Mouse, Rat.


MBS541762-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 560


MBS541762-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 2380


MBS541767-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 560


MBS541767-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 2380


MBS541761-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 560


MBS541761-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 2380


MBS541766-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 560


MBS541766-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 2380

GPCR RDC1 polyclonal antibody

BS90593 50ul
EUR 398
Description: Rabbit IgG, 1mg/ml in PBS with 0.02% sodium azide, 50% glycerol, pH7.2

GPCR RDC1 Conjugated Antibody

C49041 100ul
EUR 476.4

GPCR HM74 Polyclonal Antibody

MBS9235538-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 415

GPCR HM74 Polyclonal Antibody

MBS9235538-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 1841

GPCR LGR7 Polyclonal Antibody

MBS9235539-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 415

GPCR LGR7 Polyclonal Antibody

MBS9235539-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 1841

GPCR TGR7 Polyclonal Antibody

MBS9235541-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 415

GPCR TGR7 Polyclonal Antibody

MBS9235541-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 1841

GPCR GPR8 Polyclonal Antibody

MBS9235768-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 415

GPCR GPR8 Polyclonal Antibody

MBS9235768-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 1841

HHV8 GPCR Polyclonal Antibody

MBS9235865-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 415

HHV8 GPCR Polyclonal Antibody

MBS9235865-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 1841

GPCR RDC1 Conjugated Antibody

MBS9456756-01mLAF350 0.1mL(AF350)
EUR 480

GPCR RDC1 Conjugated Antibody

MBS9456756-01mLAF405 0.1mL(AF405)
EUR 480

GPCR RDC1 Conjugated Antibody

MBS9456756-01mLAF488 0.1mL(AF488)
EUR 480

GPCR RDC1 Conjugated Antibody

MBS9456756-01mLAF555 0.1mL(AF555)
EUR 480

GPCR RDC1 Conjugated Antibody

MBS9456756-01mLBiotin 0.1mL(Biotin)
EUR 480

GPCR GPR86 Conjugated Antibody

C48382 100ul
EUR 476.4

GPCR MRGX2 Polyclonal Antibody

MBS9235540-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 415

GPCR MRGX2 Polyclonal Antibody

MBS9235540-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 1841

GPCR GPR86 Conjugated Antibody

MBS9456349-01mLAF350 0.1mL(AF350)
EUR 480

GPCR GPR86 Conjugated Antibody

MBS9456349-01mLAF405 0.1mL(AF405)
EUR 480

GPCR GPR86 Conjugated Antibody

MBS9456349-01mLAF488 0.1mL(AF488)
EUR 480

GPCR GPR86 Conjugated Antibody

MBS9456349-01mLAF555 0.1mL(AF555)
EUR 480

GPCR GPR86 Conjugated Antibody

MBS9456349-01mLBiotin 0.1mL(Biotin)
EUR 480

GPCR GPR141 Polyclonal Antibody

MBS9235767-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 415

GPCR GPR141 Polyclonal Antibody

MBS9235767-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 1841

Anti-LGR6/Gpcr Lgr6 Antibody

A05990 100ul
EUR 476.4
Description: Rabbit Polyclonal LGR6/Gpcr Lgr6 Antibody. Validated in IHC and tested in Human, Mouse, Rat.

GPCR G2A Antibody FITC Conjugated

MBS9460608-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 595

GPCR G2A Antibody FITC Conjugated

MBS9460608-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 2525

GPCR GPR3 Antibody Affinity Purified

MBS540036-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 445

GPCR GPR3 Antibody Affinity Purified

MBS540036-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 1855

GPCR LGR6 Antibody FITC-Conjugated

MBS541991-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 560

GPCR LGR6 Antibody FITC-Conjugated

MBS541991-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 2380

GPCR GPR75 Antibody Positive Control

MBS542826-5Applications 5Applications
EUR 335

GPCR GPR75 Antibody Positive Control

MBS542826-5x5Applications 5x5Applications
EUR 1350

GPCR LGR6 Antibody Affinity Purified

MBS540200-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 445

GPCR LGR6 Antibody Affinity Purified

MBS540200-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 1855

GPCR GP40 Antibody Affinity Purified

MBS541587-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 445

GPCR GP40 Antibody Affinity Purified

MBS541587-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 1855

GPCR GP40 Antibody FITC-Conjugated

MBS541589-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 560

GPCR GP40 Antibody FITC-Conjugated

MBS541589-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 2380

GPCR GPR3 Antibody FITC-Conjugated

MBS541751-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 560

GPCR GPR3 Antibody FITC-Conjugated

MBS541751-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 2380

GPCR GPR43 Antibody FITC-Conjugated

MBS541591-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 560

GPCR GPR43 Antibody FITC-Conjugated

MBS541591-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 2380

GPCR GPR43 Antibody FITC-Conjugated

MBS541593-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 560

GPCR GPR43 Antibody FITC-Conjugated

MBS541593-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 2380

GPCR GPR15 Antibody FITC-Conjugated

MBS541749-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 560

GPCR GPR15 Antibody FITC-Conjugated

MBS541749-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 2380

GPCR GPR75 Antibody FITC-Conjugated

MBS541756-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 560

GPCR GPR75 Antibody FITC-Conjugated

MBS541756-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 2380

GPCR GPR75 Antibody FITC-Conjugated

MBS541758-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 560

GPCR GPR75 Antibody FITC-Conjugated

MBS541758-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 2380

GPCR GPR75 Antibody FITC-Conjugated

MBS541760-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 560

GPCR GPR75 Antibody FITC-Conjugated

MBS541760-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 2380

GPCR LGR6 Antibody BIOTIN-Conjugated

MBS541990-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 560

GPCR LGR6 Antibody BIOTIN-Conjugated

MBS541990-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 2380

GPCR GP40 Antibody BIOTIN-Conjugated

MBS541588-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 560

GPCR GP40 Antibody BIOTIN-Conjugated

MBS541588-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 2380

GPCR GPR120 Antibody FITC-Conjugated

MBS541600-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 560

GPCR GPR120 Antibody FITC-Conjugated

MBS541600-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 2380

GPCR GPR120 Antibody FITC-Conjugated

MBS541602-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 560

GPCR GPR120 Antibody FITC-Conjugated

MBS541602-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 2380

GPCR GPR3 Antibody BIOTIN-Conjugated

MBS541750-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 560

GPCR GPR3 Antibody BIOTIN-Conjugated

MBS541750-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 2380

GPCR GPR43 Antibody BIOTIN-Conjugated

MBS541590-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 560

GPCR GPR43 Antibody BIOTIN-Conjugated

MBS541590-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 2380

GPCR GPR43 Antibody BIOTIN-Conjugated

MBS541592-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 560

GPCR GPR43 Antibody BIOTIN-Conjugated

MBS541592-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 2380

GPCR GPR15 Antibody BIOTIN-Conjugated

MBS541748-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 560

GPCR GPR15 Antibody BIOTIN-Conjugated

MBS541748-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 2380

GPCR GPR75 Antibody BIOTIN-Conjugated

MBS541755-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 560

GPCR GPR75 Antibody BIOTIN-Conjugated

MBS541755-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 2380

GPCR GPR75 Antibody BIOTIN-Conjugated

MBS541757-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 560

GPCR GPR75 Antibody BIOTIN-Conjugated

MBS541757-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 2380

GPCR GPR75 Antibody BIOTIN-Conjugated

MBS541759-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 560

GPCR GPR75 Antibody BIOTIN-Conjugated

MBS541759-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 2380

INSL5 Receptor / GPCR-142 (310-330) (Human) - Antibody

H-001-86 100 μl
EUR 604.8

GPCR GPR120 Antibody BIOTIN-Conjugated

MBS541599-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 560

GPCR GPR120 Antibody BIOTIN-Conjugated

MBS541599-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 2380

GPCR GPR120 Antibody BIOTIN-Conjugated

MBS541601-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 560

GPCR GPR120 Antibody BIOTIN-Conjugated

MBS541601-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 2380

GPCR 2037 (GPR151) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody [Clone:2B4]

E45M20457 100 ug
EUR 595

GPCR 2037 (GPR151) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody [Clone 2B4]

E45M20457V-2 50 ul
EUR 195

GPCR 2037 (GPR151) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody [Clone:1D8]

E45M20460 100 ug
EUR 595

GPCR 2037 (GPR151) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody [Clone 1D8]

E45M20460V-2 50 ul
EUR 195

GPCR 2037 (GPR151) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody [Clone:3D1]

E45M20462 100 ug
EUR 595

GPCR 2037 (GPR151) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody [Clone 3D1]

E45M20462V-2 50 ul
EUR 195

GPCR / LGR6 (5S15) Rabbit Monoclonal Antibody

E28M6313 100ul
EUR 295

GPCR GPR64 (5R19) Rabbit Monoclonal Antibody

E28M2233 100ul
EUR 295

GPCR GPR37 (17Z6) Rabbit Monoclonal Antibody

E28M2483 100ul
EUR 295

GPCR GPR26 (9K16) Rabbit Monoclonal Antibody

E28M2515 100ul
EUR 295

GPCR EX33 Polyclonal Antibody PE Conjugated

MBS9462918-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 595

GPCR EX33 Polyclonal Antibody PE Conjugated

MBS9462918-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 2525

GPCR GP40 Antibody Antigenic Blocking Peptide

MBS543672-025mg 0.25mg
EUR 280

GPCR GP40 Antibody Antigenic Blocking Peptide

MBS543672-5x025mg 5x0.25mg
EUR 1110

GPCR GPR3 Antibody Antigenic Blocking Peptide

MBS543779-025mg 0.25mg
EUR 280

GPCR GPR3 Antibody Antigenic Blocking Peptide

MBS543779-5x025mg 5x0.25mg
EUR 1110

GPCR LGR6 Antibody Antigenic Blocking Peptide

MBS543931-025mg 0.25mg
EUR 280

GPCR LGR6 Antibody Antigenic Blocking Peptide

MBS543931-5x025mg 5x0.25mg
EUR 1110

GPCR LGR7 Polyclonal Antibody Cy5.5 Conjugated

MBS9464268-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 595

GPCR LGR7 Polyclonal Antibody Cy5.5 Conjugated

MBS9464268-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 2525

GPCR GP40 Antibody Western Blot Positive Control

MBS542760-5Applications 5Applications
EUR 335

GPCR GP40 Antibody Western Blot Positive Control

MBS542760-5x5Applications 5x5Applications
EUR 1350

GPCR GPR3 Antibody Western Blot Positive Control

MBS542823-5Applications 5Applications
EUR 335

GPCR GPR3 Antibody Western Blot Positive Control

MBS542823-5x5Applications 5x5Applications
EUR 1350

GPCR LGR6 Antibody Western Blot Positive Control

MBS542914-5Applications 5Applications
EUR 335

GPCR LGR6 Antibody Western Blot Positive Control

MBS542914-5x5Applications 5x5Applications
EUR 1350


E8ER1909-85 100ul
EUR 275
Description: Available in various conjugation types.


E8ET1611-3 100ul
EUR 275
Description: Available in various conjugation types.


MBS8577676-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 345


MBS8577676-01mLAF405L 0.1mL(AF405L)
EUR 565


MBS8577676-01mLAF405S 0.1mL(AF405S)
EUR 565


MBS8577676-01mLAF610 0.1mL(AF610)
EUR 565


MBS8577676-01mLAF635 0.1mL(AF635)
EUR 565